Your brains reaction to big emotions
This week we continued our work on "the brain" and how our brain reacts to big emotions. Being aware of what is happening in our brain when we feel different emotions, help us gain control of our reactions.
First we looked at a brain using the website: 3-D Brain website
Next we discussed what we know about the brain. This led us into the discussion about, what does the brain actually do? We watched: Facts about the brain video
Next we discussed the 3 main parts of the brain that play apart in how our brain reacts to emotions.
Pre-frontal Cortex (PFC), Amygdala and our hippocampus. This video Flipping your lid video helps explain this process.
Finally we looked at a replica of the brain that was made out of a gelatin. The kids were fascinated by this!
We ended the lesson by constructing "Brain caps"! All students enjoyed wearing them around school.
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